November 13, 2014

¿The Endless River?

So, How are you? Long time no see! Pink Floyd have launched a new album named The Endless River, it has a great sound! Its like mixing The Dark Side Of The Moon and The Division Bell, loud and clear! New post soon!

August 1, 2014

¿¡Guess What!? ¡ItsAugust!

Hello everybody, it have been too much time since I wrote my last update, I did too much activities this week(Pictures will be on the next post), like playin a snare drum in a street jam with a conga player and a trumpet player, I drove a bulletproof Toyota Tundra V12 edition! and so much more! Have a nice weekend everyone! Tomorrow I'll be at a orchestra concert, I'll be the sound engineer!

July 24, 2014

Recreovias por la prevencion de la violencia

Maybe you're asking yourself what is a "Recreovia por la prevencion de la violencia"... ¡Let me tell you what it means! The Recreovias are a space made by the national direction of culture, arts and sports(DCAD Direccion de Cultura, Artes y Deportes) to promote peace and stop the violence in Honduras by closing one street or a park for making national games, dance, soccer tournaments and activities like bicycle races, skateboarding contests, karaoke contests etc... and they offer free haircuts, free food and water and other free services for poor people, last sunday(July 20, 2014) I was the master of ceremony and animator of the Recreovias! It was a pleasure for me to serve my country by making peace and not war or violence! Here are some pictures of the event!

Underground Lights by B4SSdrop

Hello, this will be the first post on the blog, This is a song produced by my friend B4SSdrop! Here are some words by Jacob Ruttan(B4SSdrop) please enjoy and leave a comment!.

Hello, I'm Jacob I go by B4SSdrop as my DJ name, I love producing and mixing music, The song Underground lights isn't my normal style but I wanted to make a really deep sounding slow paced deep house song, So i was just playing around and I came up with a nice melody and I plugged it into the song and voila there you have it, Underground, Thankyou for listening and supporting my music.